THE Benefits of the DESIRIAL® PLUS treatmenT
intimate beauty
What existing treatments are available?
Over time, the labia majora lose their firmness and become dehydrated. The fat they are made up of becomes atrophied, thus creating extra skin. This loss of volume makes them thinner. They no longer protect the labia minora as they are meant to, causing discomfort that affects a woman’s physical and psychological well-being.
Women may find it difficult to accept the flat or shrivelled appearance of their labia majora, and this may have a negative impact on their sex life. Today, it is not unusual to see women suffering from hypertrophy of the labia majora resort to aesthetic surgery to recover their physical and psychological well-being.
Their unattractive appearance can be corrected by a surgical procedure called “labia majora reduction” (labiaplasty). This procedure can be performed on its own or combined with remodelling by DESIRIAL® PLUS hyaluronic acid injection to achieve a smoother, tighter appearance.

THE Benefits of the DESIRIAL® PLUS treatmenT
Treatment with DESIRIAL® PLUS remodels the labia majora and restores volume, so that they can resume their role of protecting the vulva and vaginal entrance.
A clinical study conducted by Laboratoires VIVACY demonstrated an improvement in the quality of life for 93%1 of women after treatment with DESIRIAL® PLUS.
DESIRIAL® PLUS improves the appearance of your labia majora and reduces discomfort. The results can last up to 12 months.2
• The aesthetic improvement of the vulvar region is immediate.
• The volume of the labia majora2 is increased.
• The protective function of the labia majora is reinforced as a result of increased volume3.
1According to the study, 93% of patients have an “improved” or “highly improved” GLIS (Global Life Improvement Scale) score up to 12 months after treatment. Data from Laboratoires VIVACY.
2An open, non-interventional post-market, follow-up study assessing the efficacy and tolerance of DESIRIAL® PLUS in its intended use scenario.Study report (RA1600501): analysis with 35 injected patients, possibly with top-ups. Immediate volume increase effect assessed by the physician on a scale of 1 (very low) to 10 (very good). Average grade of 9.3 just after injecting the product. Atrophy assessed by the physician on a scale of 1 (no atrophy) to 4 (severe). Statistically significant decrease in grade after 6 months compared to the grade before injection (average grade of 2.7 before injection and 1.4 after 6 months; p<0.001).
3A. J. Hobday & Al. Function of the human hymen. Medical Hypotheses (1997) 49, 171-173.