pioneers IN intimate MEDICINE
An expert in the use of hyaluronic acid in the anti-ageing and aesthetic medicine field for over 16 years, Laboratoires VIVACY is committed to the intimate well-being of women.
In 2011, Laboratoires VIVACY revolutionized the field of aesthetic and functional gynaecology by introducing on the market the very first injectable hyaluronic acid gel for female vulvovaginal restoration.
In collaboration with doctors who are experts in the field, our cutting-edge research into this “scientific and human adventure” has enabled Laboratoires VIVACY to develop an innovative medical device to improve the quality of life* of women prone to vaginal dryness and atrophy of the vulvar labia majora.
*An open, non-interventional post-market, follow-up study assessing the efficacy and tolerance of DESIRIAL® PLUS in its intended use scenario. Study report (RA1600501): analysis with 35 injected patients, possibly with top-ups. Immediate volume increase effect assessed by the physician on a scale of 1 (very low) to 10 (very good). Average grade of 9.3 just after injecting the product. Atrophy assessed by the physician on a scale of 1 (no atrophy) to 4 (severe). Statistically significant decrease in grade after 6 months compared to the grade before injection (average grade of 2.7 before injection and 1.4 after 6 months; p<0.001).
Intimate dryness, vaginal discomfort, discomfort during sexual intercourse, chronic irritation, decreased libido1... Intimate dryness can disrupt your life as a couple. But it doesn’t have to be that way!
Women are often afraid to discuss their intimate health, even when consulting their doctor about health problems. But refusing to talk can have consequences. It's time to put judgement aside and start a dialogue to overcome feelings of shame, fear and lack of self-confidence.
1Barret, G. & al. "Women’s sexual health after childbirth". BJOG. 2000, 107(2), pp. 186-195.
Over time, your labia majora can lose volume and suppleness1 and their appearance may seem to be less harmonious.2,3 Dissatisfaction with their appearance may have an impact on your self-esteem.4 It is important for women to feel feminine and in their prime throughout life. Women are increasingly seeking to reduce the effects of ageing on their intimate area to reconnect with their body and regain a balanced sex life.
Intimate aesthetic medicine appears to be the optimal solution to overcome these complexes and meet the new expectations of women regarding their intimacy.
1Farage M, Maibach H. “Lifetime changes in the vulva and vagina. Arch Gynecol Obstet”. 2006; 273:195-202.
2Fasola, E. Gazzola, R. “Labia Majora Augmentation with Hyaluronic Acid Filler: Technique and Results” Aesthet Surg J. 2016; 36(10):1155-1163.
3Salgado, C. J. & Al. Use of dermal fat graft for augmentation of the labia majora. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery (2012) 65, 267e270.
4Goodman MP. et Al. « Evaluation of Body Image and Sexual Satisfaction in Women Undergoing Female Genital Plastic/Cosmetic Surgery.” Aesthet Surg J. 2016 Oct;36(9):1048-57.

Today, Laboratoires VIVACY is bringing a new vision of intimacy. Intimacy as something to be cherished and talked about.
Because it only belongs to women, because when you feel good about your intimacy, you feel good about yourself. Intimate dryness is still little-known among women and is not always treated. And yet there are treatments that can help limit the symptoms and restore normal sexuality.

EVERY WOMAN has the right to feel beautiful
Over time, your labia majora can lose volume and suppleness1 and their appearance may seem to be less harmonious.2,3 Dissatisfaction with their appearance may have an impact on your self-esteem.4
It is important for women to feel feminine and in their prime throughout life. Women are increasingly seeking to reduce the effects of ageing on their intimate area to reconnect with their body and regain a balanced sex life.
How does injecting hyaluronic acid provide relief to women suffering from vulvovaginal problems?
Hyaluronic acid is injected directly into the tissue comprising the vulvovaginal area. The product can thus contribute efficiently to hydrating this tissue.
Cellar activity is stimulated as a result. In this way, the production of collagen and elastin fibres is boosted, and this also helps improve the quality of the vulvovaginal mucosa.1
1Quan T et al,: Enhancing structural support of the dermal microenvironment activates fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and keratinocytes in aged human skin in vivo. J Invest Dermatol. 2013 Mar; 133(3):658-67.
What are the consequences of ageing on the vaginal mucosa?
Like all other organs of the body, the female genitalia are not immune to the passage of time, particularly during menopause. The tissues in the vulvar region are particularly sensitive to oestrogen production decreases.
Without oestrogen, the vaginal mucosa becomes thinner, dryer and more fragile. The vagina loses its elasticity and flexibility. The natural protection of the vagina is less efficient. The risk of vaginal infections increases.2 The discomfort caused by these physiological changes can affect the quality of women’s daily lives.
These problems occur more often during menopause.2 They can also occur in patients of childbearing age.
2Mac Bride MB et al,: Vulvovaginal atrophy. Mayo Clin Proc. 2010 Jan; 85(1):87-94
Who should I contact for the injections?
DESIRIAL® and/or DESIRIAL® PLUS injections are administered in a medical facility by a legally authorised physician, specialised in reconstructive and functional gynaecology, who has sound anatomical knowledge of the treatment site and is experienced in filler product injection techniques.
What does the procedure involve?
A local anaesthetic may be used before each injection of DESIRIAL® and/or DESIRIAL® PLUS to ensure a more comfortable and effective treatment.
DESIRIAL® injections are generally administered in the vulva and the vaginal entrance. Your physician will insert a needle superficially to deposit the product, just below the mucosa to be rehydrated.
Your physician will inject DESIRIAL® PLUS just under the dermis of the labia majora. For this, he/she will use a cannula so to deposit the product along the length of the labia majora, without any risk of injury. The procedure takes approximately 20 minutes.
What is the final result?
The average expected effect for this type of product is 6 to 12 months. This period may be shorter or longer depending on the profile of the treated areas, the quantities injected, the injection technique used and your lifestyle.
A top-up procedure a few weeks after the initial injections can extend and optimise the results.
It is advisable not to inject more than 20 ml of cross-linked hyaluronic acid per person/per year.
Your physician will be able to advise you on the DESIRIAL® product that is best suited to your needs. Ask your doctor for information about products in the DESIRIAL® range and make an appointment to start your personalised treatment.
What are the post-treatment recommendations?
• Avoid humid places such as swimming pools, gyms, steam rooms, hot tubs, etc. for 10 days.
• Avoid sexual intercourse for 5 days.
• Avoid activities that are likely to exert pressure on the treated area for several days (biking, horseback riding, etc.).
What are the contraindications?
• If you are pregnant or breast feeding.
• If you have areas showing clinical signs of inflammation and/or viral infection (e.g.: papilloma, herpes), bacterial infection or fungal infection (e.g.: mycosis) and/or are currently under treatment for these pathologies.
• If you have known hypersensitivity to any of the components (e.g.: hyaluronic acid or mannitol). Remember to tell your doctor about your medical history, including any auto-immune diseases or current treatments.
If you have hypertrophic scarring.
The information contained herein is not exhaustive. A consultation with your doctor prior to the injection of a DESIRIAL® range product is essential to determine whether these products are suited for you.
Are there any side effects?
Although rare, there may be side effects after the injection and/or in a delayed manner, including:
• Inflammatory reactions such as redness or swelling, potentially associated with itching and/or pain, especially with pressure. These reactions may last for several days.
• Bleeding, tightening of the skin or a change in skin colour (staining or discolouration) in the injected areas.
• Infection (DESIRIAL® PLUS only).
• Local mobility of the gel (for injection with DESIRIAL® PLUS).
• Hematoma
• Rare cases of granuloma abscess necrosis and hypersensitivity
• Difficulty in urination (DESIRIAL® only)
• Post-injection pain (DESIRIAL® PLUS only)
Also, if you have previously had genital herpes, there is a risk that the needle punctures could cause a new outbreak. The persistence of any of the above adverse effects beyond one week or the occurrence of any other adverse effect should be reported to the practitioner as soon as possible. These side effects may require treatment and could take for several months to resolve (for the injection with DESIRIAL® PLUS). Consult your doctor.
How does injecting hyaluronic acid provide relief to women suffering from vulvovaginal problems?
What are the consequences of ageing on the vaginal mucosa?
Who should I contact for the injections?
What does the procedure involve?
What is the final result?
What are the post-treatment recommendations?
What are the contraindications?
Are there any side effects?
Hyaluronic acid is injected directly into the tissue comprising the vulvovaginal area. The product can thus contribute efficiently to hydrating this tissue.
Cellar activity is stimulated as a result. In this way, the production of collagen and elastin fibres is boosted, and this also helps improve the quality of the vulvovaginal mucosa.1
1Quan T et al,: Enhancing structural support of the dermal microenvironment activates fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and keratinocytes in aged human skin in vivo. J Invest Dermatol. 2013 Mar; 133(3):658-67.
Like all other organs of the body, the female genitalia are not immune to the passage of time, particularly during menopause. The tissues in the vulvar region are particularly sensitive to oestrogen production decreases.
Without oestrogen, the vaginal mucosa becomes thinner, dryer and more fragile. The vagina loses its elasticity and flexibility. The natural protection of the vagina is less efficient. The risk of vaginal infections increases.2 The discomfort caused by these physiological changes can affect the quality of women’s daily lives.
These problems occur more often during menopause.2 They can also occur in patients of childbearing age.
2Mac Bride MB et al, : Vulvovaginal atrophy. Mayo Clin Proc. 2010 Jan; 85(1):87-94
DESIRIAL® and/or DESIRIAL® PLUS injections are administered in a medical facility by a legally authorised physician, specialised in reconstructive and functional gynaecology, who has sound anatomical knowledge of the treatment site and is experienced in filler product injection techniques.
A local anaesthetic may be used before each injection of DESIRIAL® and/or DESIRIAL® PLUS to ensure a more comfortable and effective treatment.
DESIRIAL® injections are generally administered in the vulva and the vaginal entrance. Your physician will insert a needle superficially to deposit the product, just below the mucosa to be rehydrated.
Your physician will inject DESIRIAL® PLUS just under the dermis of the labia majora. For this, he/she will use a cannula so to deposit the product along the length of the labia majora, without any risk of injury. The procedure takes approximately 20 minutes.
The average expected effect for this type of product is 6 to 12 months. This period may be shorter or longer depending on the profile of the treated areas, the quantities injected, the injection technique used and your lifestyle.
A top-up procedure a few weeks after the initial injections can extend and optimise the results.
It is advisable not to inject more than 20 ml of cross-linked hyaluronic acid per person/per year.
Your physician will be able to advise you on the DESIRIAL® product that is best suited to your needs. Ask your doctor for information about products in the DESIRIAL® range and make an appointment to start your personalised treatment.
Avoid humid places such as swimming pools, gyms, steam rooms, hot tubs, etc. for 10 days.
Avoid sexual intercourse for 5 days.
Avoid activities that are likely to exert pressure on the treated area for several days (biking, horseback riding, etc.).
If you are pregnant or breast feeding.
If you have areas showing clinical signs of inflammation and/or viral infection (e.g.: papilloma, herpes), bacterial infection or fungal infection (e.g.: mycosis) and/or are currently under treatment for these pathologies.
If you have known hypersensitivity to any of the components (e.g.: hyaluronic acid or mannitol). Remember to tell your doctor about your medical history, including any auto-immune diseases or current treatments.
If you have hypertrophic scarring.
The information contained herein is not exhaustive. A consultation with your doctor prior to the injection of a DESIRIAL® range product is essential to determine whether these products are suited for you.
Although rare, there may be side effects after the injection and/or in a delayed manner, including:
• Inflammatory reactions such as redness or swelling, potentially associated with itching and/or pain, especially with pressure. These reactions may last for several days.
• Bleeding, tightening of the skin or a change in skin colour (staining or discolouration) in the injected areas.
• Infection (DESIRIAL® PLUS only).
• Local mobility of the gel (for injection with DESIRIAL® PLUS).
• Hematoma
• Rare cases of granuloma abscess necrosis and hypersensitivity
• Difficulty in urination (DESIRIAL® only)
• Post-injection pain (DESIRIAL® PLUS only)
Also, if you have previously had genital herpes, there is a risk that the needle punctures could cause a new outbreak. The persistence of any of the above adverse effects beyond one week or the occurrence of any other adverse effect should be reported to the practitioner as soon as possible. These side effects may require treatment and could take for several months to resolve (for the injection with DESIRIAL® PLUS). Consult your doctor.

desirial® by vivacy
Recognised experts in hyaluronic acid

1st injectable hyaluronic acid gel developed for women’s intimate health*

Designed and manufactured in France by Laboratoires VIVACY

Scientifically proven efficacy based on clinical studies

Our expertise at the service of your intimate health and well-being

Benchmark products on the intimate aesthetic medicine market for 8 years

distributed in 45 countries across the world
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*CE marking obtained in 2011.